The Lost Conversations-2. Musical Stones of Stunland

Author: Ten Para   The stones of Stunland sing and dance to a tune that not many hear. Actually, that should read as “not many care to hear”. Let us face it, when was the last time we placed an ear to a stone and listened to it’s music? Sea shells, maybe, but the music…

The Brainstem

Author: Haritha, Learner, The Integral School, Hyderabad What often happens with subjects such as biology, is that long complex words tend to throw one off. If you come across words like ‘mesencephalon’ and ‘rhombencephalon’, your brain is likely to swear never to ever cross the biology aisle in the library again (there are exceptions of…

A Sense of Sound

Author:  Varun, Learner, Aged 14 years This is an assigned project researched independently by the learner. A broad conceptual framework ((bare bones) was provided to the learner who then developed additional questions as he went along. We hear things so often, every second, that we never even stop to think about it. We take it…

A Sense of Smell

Author: Varun Raju, Learner, Age 14 years. This is a self-learning project chosen and researched by the learner. Note – I wanted to learn about something in our body, because that is what we use every day. We use our five senses each day, so I thought it would be interesting to learn about one…