Spirituality in Education: Why ignore it?

Unplugged conversations with a learner at The Integral School, Hyderabad. A free flowing discussion with no predestined routes,  starting from a word.   It is actually good to sit down and have unplanned conversations with learners. Move out of prescribed curricula, throw a word into the air and see what comes out of it. What…


Author: Harshada, Learner at The Integral School, Hyderabad  All living things get information from the outside world.  This information is received through sense receptors. Humans have five sense receptors that include vision, smell, taste, touch,  and hearing. Let us look at the touch receptors.  Human bodies are covered with skin tissue. Our skin receptors send…


Author: Aatmesh, Learner at The Integral School, Hyderabad. This is an independent self directed project. Forest fires are uncontrolled fires that occur in forests. A forest fire is a subdivision of a wildfire, which is defined as : Any uncontrolled fire that occurs in wilderness (brush, forests, grass etc). When a wildfire occurs, it can be…

Air and The Human Body-Interactions

This document is part of a series that explores various aspects of the human body. The document aims to start you on the path of exploration, if you have not already started, and will not provide complete information. Look to challenge and supplement information in this document as appropriate. In this document, let us look…

How to Look at Painting: Icarus, Daedulus and Science

We are posting an excerpt from an interesting article published in the Fidelio Magazine, Spring-Summer of 2006. The link to the complete article is provided at the end of the excerpt. ‘Bruegel painted many things that cannot be painted. As Pliny said of Apelles: In all his works, there is always more thought than paint.’…

The Human Gas Exchange System

Author: Qutub Khan Vajihuddin, Learner at The Integral School, Hyderabad. This is an independent self directed project exploring various aspects of the human gas exchange system (otherwise known as the respiratory system). The human gas exchange system The human gas exchange is otherwise known as the Respiratory System. The human gas exchange system is important…


Author: Aatmesh. Learner at the Integral School, Hyderabad. A self directed project that looks at glaciers in the current context of global warming and environmental health. Glaciers are defined as “Slow moving masses or rivers of ice formed by the accumulation and compaction of snow or ice.” Glaciers are found in regions that receive consistent snowfall, like…

Laterite (not lattes)

Author: Ten Para Science often reveals a rather uncanny knack to leap out from unexpected places at unexpected times.  Breaking the shackles that try to confine it to tomes of words, floating out of closed rooms and lab spaces, tubes, filters and maybe some illustrations.  A gentle reminder that you cannot escape the lovely interactions…

Is Cooking an Art or a Science?

Author: Haritha, Learner at The Integral School, Hyderabad Is cooking an art or a science? The age old custody battle over who gets to snatch cooking under their wing, Art or Science. Your grandmother is likely to tell you that cooking is an art and it is something one simply has a natural flair for….

The Brainstem

Author: Haritha, Learner, The Integral School, Hyderabad What often happens with subjects such as biology, is that long complex words tend to throw one off. If you come across words like ‘mesencephalon’ and ‘rhombencephalon’, your brain is likely to swear never to ever cross the biology aisle in the library again (there are exceptions of…

A Pause and Look

This is an open access resource that will be used between sets of lesson units. The resource is used to take a step back, reflect on the learning, revisit thoughts and start again. A circle in the loop or loop in the circle or just loopy.  Thinking Biology-9-Pause

The Human Muscle

This is an open access resource that maybe used in a classroom session to explore the human muscle.  As usual, just some pointers to start an exploration.  Read the resource here: Muscles